ליצירת קשר השאירו את הפרטים ואנו ניצור אתכם קשר


    Our office is situated in Israel – located near Tel Aviv – and we offer our services both to domestic and non-domestic clients.


    Intellectual Property Law – Registration, Consultation, Prosecution, Negotiation, Licensing and all Contract-related work and Litigation relating to Patents, Trademarks, Trade Names, Domain Names, Copyrights and Moral Rights, Design Patents, Trade Secrets, Passing-Off, Internet Law and Unjust Enrichment.

    We also specialize in Online Prior Art Patentability Searches.

    Civil & Commercial Law – Contracts, Litigation, Claims for damages, Corporate Law, Libel & Slander (Defamation), and Assorted other Civil & Commercial matters.

    Constitutional & Administrative Law – Litigation before the Israeli High Court of Justice and the Israeli Administrative courts, protecting our clients from unconstitutional and wrongful acts by various organs and bodies of government and the State and by the Local administration and state-related companies.

    Healthcare Risk Management – to be detailed at a later date.

    Income Tax Related Medical Boards & Committees – to be detailed at a later date.


    In order that any person may have access to a preliminary assessment of their legal situation, rights, obligations and possible legal options, we provide a preliminary free case evaluation meeting. Of course, this meeting is confidential – like any other legal services we provide.

    One of our main advantages is the fact that the senior partners handle the cases themselves – providing every client with personal attention and care, assuring our clients first class continuous legal treatment and the confidence in the knowledge that their cases are handled by top legal professionals.

    We believe in providing legal services only in our areas of specific expertise.

    We always put the client's interests first and hold loyalty, credibility and honesty as the cornerstones of our practice. We always endeavor to show the utmost flexibility and consideration to our client's needs.

    Every client – no matter how "small" – is an important client.

    We always endeavor to be innovative and creative. Each case is given individual and original thought.

    Our clients are always kept "in the loop", receiving all the information necessary to make informed decisions, including our professional assessment as to each step of the case and the costs involved. The client always makes the final decisions.

    One of the secrets of our success is the fact that we do not treat the legal process as detached from the client's personal and/or business life.

    It goes without saying that we protect our clients' privacy with the utmost care and fidelity.



    Mr. Harcavi Specializes in all areas of Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial, Constitutional and Administrative law detailed above.

    Mr. Harcavi is a member of The Israeli Bar Association since 1995 – and is licensed to practice in the State of New York (USA) since 2000.

    Mr. Harcavi is also a member of the Israeli branch of AIPPI (International Association

    for the Protection of Intellectual Property).

    Mr. Harcavi is also a former member of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Israeli Bar Association.

    Before founding the firm, Mr. Harcavi was employed by a number of leading intellectual property firms in Israel.

    Mr. Harcavi represents various public companies, private companies and individuals.

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